The Book of Octavia
Adrian Bean
Now there came an eighth great prophet of the West who had suffered greatly from the loss of her rock, her counsellor, and who in her distress had lost her reasoning. Only in secret was there wailing and gnashing of teeth but to the world she showed her despair by cutting her long elegant hair. Only in her mind did she rend her garments and put ashes on her head. Some tried to emprison her, even of her own kin, but with God’s guidance she was restored to the world of the unknowing and the philistine to save all who could be saved.
And through her readings of the great prophet Joanna she saw her true path to Salvation and her name was Mabel, yet her followers called her Octavia, called her Shiloh, called her Mother Jerusalem the mother of us all. And He spake to her daily for her comfort and instruction.
There will be a place of peace and plenty, where good folk may come and stay. They will be of good character and quality and have proper manners, for those who are imperfect will not be chosen. Yea, and in the beginning they will be women for it must be a woman who mends the world that was made wrong by the serpent’s guile. And there will be some who are too full of themselves that they are puffed up and desire attention.
And Octavia spake saying they must be resisted, for my word will become that of God and He will be my shield against those who seek to undermine my cause.
And some came in hope as they desired milk and honey, and some came with guilt as they had it already in their lives. And so on the first day came those that the Church disregarded and who were scorned even so much that they threw off their names and instead used male names so as to be better taken as wise by the bishops and the archbishops. Some sought a home where they could show their talents which the Lord preached must be used and not to be hidden under a bushel. So it was that Ellen and Alice came. And they knew that they were part of something greater than their own old worlds.
Yet Satan sought to strike down God’s messenger. He used his wiles through the snake Piessart and his fellow sinners to defy her word, yet with the aid of her faithful servant Peter the Angel Gabriel, she overcame the Darkness and caused him to die in a faraway land.
Then as her word spread so did her Healing, to the far off lands of the Ottomans, to the Finns, to the Americas and even unto the land of the Indes. And many were made whole by her ministry and praised her and swore to join her flock in the Garden of Eden where all would sit and walk and rejoice with our Lord. And she was full of joy even though she was tormented by constant pains and troubles which the Instrument of the Mother decreed was Octavia’s burden and triumph.
And as she slumbered she knew that All was Well.